Author Archives: Joaxizzle


I remembered this week! Hurray! Even if it’s at 11:30….
However, I have unfortunately missed ski club 3 times due to snow. Damn you white fluff of beauty! I also have a 90 in my reading class, yay! Not a lot of new stuff this week, a birthday here and there, and some other minuscule stuff. There is chance for another FOOT of snow here? What the FUCK government! Haven’t you learned anything from the simpsons movie? Put is into a damn dome! I am getting mixed signals about girls liking me… Errrr. I also told my parents I would only start dating in 8th grade. I would very much like to change that decision….. Alas, I cannot. There is a girl I like, and she is going out with someone. Dilemma, no? I will wait until they break up. As I know she likes/liked Me. Hehehehhe. I’m evil. Any advice appreciated.

A lot of new things to talk about!

Well well well. what do we have here? Oh yeah, my blog.

I did not forget about it… I just….. Procrastinated. I am a horrible procrastinator.

Well, updates, updates.

Last week, I have four days out of school, thank the heavens! Or the sky. and THEN, the week after that (this week incidentally) I had monday off, because of the weather also. I went snowboarding down over at watchusette mountain on the 19th, which was really fun! On my first run I went all the way to the top of the mountain! since I live in connecticut, it takes an hour to get to massachusettes, and I lost my ipod for the trip. I died. I have yet to find my ipod, thus causing great peril in the land of music needs. luckily enough for me I have my computer (with approximately 7.2 days of songs on it) and I am just getting by. I went to the Boston museum of science, where I spent $19 on astronaut food, a coke, pop rocks, and a chocolate bar. I’m fat, right? Right. I have also gotten into the Full Metal Alchemist anime series (for the 5th time) and I am on episode 20. Ed is just so beast. Aplhonse, is more of the literal term of beast.

That about sums it up. I might post something this week to make up for forgetting to last week.

Long time no see!

Now, I know I haven’t posted in a while, thats because I was celebrating!

You can see right through that guise, can’t you? The truth is, well….… I forgot, there I said it!

Anywhos, my new year has been going great! I celebrated new years by going to a friend of the family’s house in New Hampshire, I went snowboarding at King Pine (anyone who knows what that is gets a buncha cookies! If you really want some, I can send some to you in the mail 😛 only if you know what it is!) And that was REALLY fun, it got my ready for my schools ski club, which was also amazing. I am MUCH better then I was last year, my average on falling down last year was 15 per run, (any skiers or snowboarders should know thats pretty bad) and this year its 3 per run! Yay! Thats like a……. *mumble*……. 87% decrease? Around there? No? Well, whoever can figure that out is smarter then I am. I figure out, that if I wait until friday to post, I have a lot more juicy stuff to gossip about (info about my life) so, I hope to be posting every friday now. What I have been doing to keep my disease from coming back (being bored) is hanging with mah homies, and playin games. Thats teenage stuff, right? I hope so, cause I don’t wanna be an alien. That would be bad. I hope people start reading my blog regularly, because if they do, that is AWESOME. It means my life is NOT a bore! Yay. if you like reading my blog, comment, so I know I’m not alone!



Now, I have two sisters, both older, 15, and 17. The 17 year old one is a complete and utter BITCH, if she was the last person on earth I would shoot her brains out rather then live with her. I hate her because she is a self rightious, selfish, mother fucking, asshole. She invited her friends over (who are also mine, but I seem to dislike them all when they are hanging out with her, like they all turn against me) for a “Sleep-fest.” All of these people are in highschool, so I can’t complain about not sleeping downstairs with them (as awkward as it sounds.) But one of them made fudge earlier in the day for everyone to eat, and later (around 10 minutes ago, 7:20 PM) one of them just took some and smudged it all over my face (now I was just joking around with her and I said that she was not all that bright, it was a joke I told her that) and my sister yelled at ME, ME. about being a whiny little bitch! and that I have been an asshole all day so I deserved it, and did nothing towards her friend! I just think she is a hell-spawn, I stress that she is the worst person, nay, the BANE of my existence. I just wanted to vent, sorry.

A fun-filled week.

So I have not posted in like, five years (my actual perception of time) and I have just come to realize that I forgot! any way, updates,

I got the Humble Indie Bundle. first off, I must urge everyone to go and rush to get copies of this while there is more time! come on! support! the developers who are hosting this are AMAZING people, I mean seriously, the main dood who is managing pretty much all of it ( Jeff Rosen ) to try and promote not pirating the bundle, actually hosted a survey on WHY you pirated it, and gave some games away to the disabled and those without credit cards! I simply think what these guys are doing is just wonderful, I am actually volunteering to help with it the next time they do it, you should to!

CHRISTMAS VACATION! what more should I say?

FOOD! this should ALWAYS be a part of everything, because, its amazing.

I got some snazzy new pajamas for X-mas eve! (my family always opens jamies on the eve of x-mas) my old ones pants were stretched so much I would walk five steps and then they would fall down, and the shirt was scratchy as HELL. I got some new slippers as well, I will be sleeping in comfort tonight!





if you didn’t hear me the first two times







Sorry I have not posted in like, a day… I have been really busy. first off, I went to see my sisters high school concert, it was pretty cool, but as I am a percussionist myself, I could tell the percussion section was lacking. Then one ofmy friends came to sleepover, we fiddled with the computer ( I bought the Humble Indie Bundle, Amazing! and then, well, slept. I have decided that quote of the day will no longer be quote of the day. I have chosen the extraordinarily long name “Completely-random-thoughtless-saying-out-of-the-blue” also known as “CRTSOOTB” that is pronounced, KERT-SOOT-TEB. Yes. I know. Amazing right?

Hectic feelings

So pretty much I have been REALLY busy. What with homework left and right, band concerts like there’s no tomorrow, and the christmas season just making things…. Merry! I just had a wonderful Christmas concert over at my school, it was really fun to play too. I do however have an announcement to make! The Humble Indie bundle started… About two days ago, and there are four days left in it, basically what it is is a collection of five games (indie games, hence the title) and you can set the price for these games that you want to pay. They would normally be $85 altogether… So that’s pretty cool, trying to get a Dollar or two for that (I know, I know, I’m a cheapskate) and then I am pretty much just preparing for christmas, decorations, presents, all that jazz.

That pretty much sums it up.

Blogger or Blogee?

I have been pondering, and thinking, that I have been utilizing this as more of a facebook, or twitter, and wondering if I have the true potential to become a blogger, I have always wanted to be one, sort of… and so I was just wondering maybe I just reconsider, revise, my posts, not my ghost  of post’s past, but of post’s future. Blah, happy thoughts though, christmas is just around the corner! now if only that corner was 1 foot away I wouldn’t have to be in school much longer…..

A cool way of connecting

I am currently looking for a way to share, and see, artist’s music, and my own music, see what others think about it, and even find people to play with. anyone?

Quote of the Day

Another day of all of the mean teachers and paper galore! if I had a tree for every paper my teachers gave out, their would be no shortage of them.

“Did you know, thunder comes from the sun?” -My stupid friend